October 31, 2018

To begin with I would like to mention that I received counseling sessions in the past, but felt that I didn’t connect with the counselor and was therefore more afraid to talk to a stranger and to built up trust.


When first being referred to Camilla I was still scared but knew I needed help and support in order to live my life again.


Camilla made me feel welcome from the beginning. She asked me questions and also asked about my expectations from the sessions, which I think was important for me in order to deal with issues.


Throughout the sessions I chose the things I wanted to talk about and together we found strategies, solutions and different point of views to overcome the issues.


I am very grateful for all her help and support and feel relieved from the past and present – having talked about it. I tackle each day as it comes and changed my thinking to a more positive approach to things.


So thank you again for helping me through this dark time and for getting my life back in order to appreciate the little things.